Sludge dredging and drying via macrophyte beds

Curage de bassins sur des lits de séchage des boues à macrophytes

Macrophyte sludge drying beds serve to concentrate the sludge by increasing its dry matter content. 

The implementation of a sanitation system based on macrophyte beds, or beds planted with reeds, is growing in France. At the end of the summer, the reeds have finished their purification work. They're drying out. The curing work can start.


Pond curing and reed treatment

The dewatering of a basin on macrophyte sludge drying beds is a delicate job that requires the use of appropriate tools.

SEDE shreds the reeds, using a verge cutter. For basins low accessibility basins (2 sides). SEDE uses machines with telescopic arms for quality shredding.

Curing is carried out using a mechanical shovel equipped with a sharp blade bucket in order to break the reeds and thus avoid loss of rhizomes. The effectiveness of this technique relies on sectioning rather than uprooting. The planted reed is therefore preserved.


Curing sludge valorisation

SEDE is committed to helping communities to choose the best valorisation channel for their sludge :


  • Landspreading

This choice of channel is based on the desire to valorise the sludge thanks to the farmers of the municipality. It is a sustainable and economical solution that is often appreciated by communities. It enables a partnership to be maintained between farmer-users and their municipalities.

SEDE also provides all transport, delivery, spreading plan and sludge spreading services in compliance with regulatory and agronomic doses.


  • Recovery by composting

Throughout the country, SEDE has many composting platforms that allow the recovery of sewage sludge at any time of the year.

The sludge is transported via semi-trailers, ampliroll open carriers or agricultural skips, to agricultural plots or to treatment sites (composting).