SEDE is at your service to study the possibility and means of recovering your organic waste in agriculture.
All application plans are subject to a preliminary study to determine the suitability of the agricultural land to be applied and to validate the agronomic parameters of the sludge and by-products.
At each stage, SEDE design engineers guide and support you in all the administrative procedures inherent to the study, until you obtain the declaration receipt or the prefectoral decree authorising spreading.
Analysis and definition of the by-product
Over the past 30 years, SEDE's design engineers have developed specific skills to support you throughout the process of recycling your industrial waste and its recovery in agriculture.
The SEDE experts - trained agronomists, specialised in the regulation of landspreading - put their know-how at your service to appraise your by-products through 4 important steps :
1- Definition of the origin of the by-product (waste indicator, production process, etc.),
2- Waste analysis (agronomic value, organic and metallic pollutants),
3- Verification of regulatory compliance,
4- Ensuring the agronomic value of the waste.
The study can be continued or stopped after these 4 steps.
Spreading feasibility
To ensure that the characteristics of the by-product are appropriate for landspreading, our teams of engineers analyse the feasibility of spreading under two aspects :
- Prospecting within a predefined radius and presentation of the by-product to farmers,
- Analysis of the environmental data of the prospection sector (Natura 2000 area, catchment protection perimeter, wetlands, etc.).
Agronomic monitoring of spreading
Make spreading easier !
SEDE takes care of planning, agronomic assessments and all regulatory documents for you.
Development of the spreading plan
Do any farmers seem interested in your project? Does the channel analysed allow an environmentally friendly agricultural development?
The spreading plan can then be defined for a more detailed study of the plot concerned :
Soil Survey,
Soil analysis,
Definition of plot suitability for spreading,
Preparation of the regulatory document (notification or application file).